Zephyr Airway Buff Aluminum Centering Safety Flange for Muscle Buffing Wheels
High Quality aluminum, manufactured specials for Metric thread in New Zealand.
You need these if you have the Zephyr Muscle (with a large hole in the middle), or the EZ Money buffing wheel. They clamp either side to hold the buffing wheel in place. These are high quality made specifically for us by Zephyr in the USA for the NZ 14mm thread on most polishing machines.
They are a one hit and then you re-use them with different wheels.
If you have a normal Airway wheel you can use the composite safety flanges, but those are not suitable for the new EZ Money and Muscle Metal Polish buffing wheels.
Required for Zephyr Muscle Metal Polishing Wheels, and Zephyr EZ Money Metal polish Buffing Wheels.